Friday, February 28, 2020

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works Essay - 1

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works to ensure the latter is not sterile. Discuss with reference to at least one area of memory research - Essay Example y in real life settings (this is the argument)(Minear, n.d.).(In-text citation for the remarks â€Å"how did you know that--i need some acknowledgement please...†) Everyday memory approach is a type of research method that involves the study of real-life memories of the subject’s past (McDermott,Szpunar, & Christ, 2009). It employs the use of cue words as a starting point to trigger the recall of a related memory (McDermott et al., 2009). The highlight of this method is that it involves the completion of a task that occurs naturally in the real world (Minear, n.d.). It is usually used by researchers when laboratory research â€Å" unrealistic, cost-prohibitive or would unduly affect the subject’s behaviour...† (Kendra, n.d.). The advantage of this method is that it permits the study of variables that cannot be manipulated in the laboratory.It strengthens the external validity of the study, and the results obtained are usually generalizable (Kalat, 2008). This technique, however, has its own set of disadvantages among which are less control over study variables, requires longer contact with subjects, as it usually take s longer for people to form a vivid picture of the events they are recalling, and the research usually takes a longer time to finish (McDermott et al., 2009). The use of everyday memory method has been met with many criticisms. Banaji and Crowder (1989) labeled it a â€Å"...superficial glitter...that should not be allowed to replace the quest for truly generalizable principles,† while Alterman (1996) found incorporating â€Å"...everyday memory to a correspondence metaphor...problematic†. Kvavilashvili and Ellis (2004) defended the said technique and asserted that everyday memory yields sound results and can be generalize as information acquired as representative of the study population. This method is also the method of choice in investigating memories influenced by emotional and reconstructive factors, such as flashbulb memories (Lanciano &

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